"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." -----Martin Luther King, Jr.
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,regardless of time, place, or circumstance.The thread may stretch or tangle,but it will never break."
- ancient Chinese belief

Friday, July 30, 2010

day 1, part 3

on a lighter note, a few interesting things we saw/noticed today...
men roll up their shirts to try to beat the heat resulting in man belly shirts.  i hope this does NOT catch on in the states!
lots of split pants and naked baby buns to be seen everywhere.
2 little boys peeing on a tree on the side of a BUSY street outside of our hotel. 
a dad holding a baby under her arms out in the air as the mom wiped her poopy butt!
some men eating shirtless in restaurants.
people sleeping on the streets of the Hutong, on little cots.  Pretty sure not homeless, just napping outside on the ground.  I'm sure it's cooler outside than inside!
Oh, in the Hutong, several homes share a toilet at the end of the street as these old homes don't have bathrooms.
A mom washing her daughter's hair on the side of the road with a big bowl full of water.
and, two things that made me oh so sad.  one that will be in my memory forever. 
Tomorrow we will go to the Great Wall.  If it's like today, we won't be able to see too far so we hope it clears up.
I really really tried to take it all in today and live in the moment.  However, aside from my time at Half the Sky, all I could think about was getting to Guangzhou and getting Junie!  Just a few more days...


  1. Loving all the details and updates. Now where are the pictures?!?!?!!? You know we have to have pics now so you can practice posting them before Junie Day :)

  2. YAY! So glad to be home and reading about your journey. How awesome that you got to visit HTS, I want to do that! You will have to tell me how you landed that chance. I am with you, I would want them all too! (Of course, I will share some with you!) So glad to know that Junie Day is here! We have our fingerprinting appt. on Thursday....won't be the same without you guys :)
