"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." -----Martin Luther King, Jr.
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,regardless of time, place, or circumstance.The thread may stretch or tangle,but it will never break."
- ancient Chinese belief

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here we go again!

(This post was started the day of her surgery, May 7th, but so crazy these days, just now got around to finishing it up!)

To CHOA, that is.

Her CT scan revealed that the cholesteatoma on her ear was not deep, not in the bone. So on Tuesday, Junie and I headed down in the darkness of 5:30 am! (I had to put on my big girl panties and go sans hubby this time as his new business partner was in town and they scheduled this surgery last minute). Lucky for me (if you chose to see the silver lining), Junie is a non-sleeper, so when I went into her room at 5:05, she popped right up (she was awake!) and cheerily said, "I'm ready for my appointment!!! Let's go to the hostible!!" Even the man at reception remarked at how "wide awake" she was! :)

When they took us back, she was by far the most anxious of any surgery so far. And then she got the versed and all was ok. And then the 2nd surgeon was an hour late (really? If I can be there by 6 am with a four year old, can't he get there by 7:30???). And then I needed some versed! And then the doc breezed in, mumbled an apology, and they took her back.

Within 15 minutes, doctor #1 came in to tell me he felt confident they had gotten all of the cholesteatoma. However, it's insidious and if even a few cells remain, it can grow back so we will still be making regular stops at the ENT.

They didn't bring Junie back to her room for about another 45 minutes- way to long because unlike other times post-op, she was very coherent and very very upset. :(. So was her mommy! It took quite a while for her to settle down and this time she didn't want to stay, she said over and over, "I want to go home!"

But, they don't drag their feet releasing the kids there. When the kids are cleared, they send us on our way. So, with Junie snuggled up in the wagon, we headed down to the newly discovered (and most appreciated!) valet to retrieve the car. After getting in the car, Junie was back to her regular self and asking for ice cream. "Dairy Town's" (Junie speak for Dairy Queen) ice cream machine was broken, so we settled for McDon@ld's.

We got home by 10:30 and snuggled for a while on the couch. Then, Junie was up and playing with toys while I took a short nap. She was wide awake, totally fine by then and even tried to get out of napping that afternoon!

So, cholesteatoma removed by suction in one ear, tube in the other, Home and fine by 10:30 am. Resilient, indeed!

Anxiously waiting.

Post-versed.  Not so anxious anymore!

If looks could kill...Junie's "get me outta here" look!

Junie's "the drugs have not completely worn off" look.

Ice cream in hand and all is well again!

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